Reduce the guess work on your wellness journey

Kick start your journey to transform your body, mindset, and eating habits for sustainable change. Find simple to understand wellness education, low-carb and sugar-free lifestyle how-to’s, and delicious recipes and planners in our interactive ebooks and Starter Kit.

Start with a morning routine that fuels your body with whole foods and keeps your blood sugar in check. Enjoy tasty recipes from our Dairy-free Keto and Paleo Breakfast eBook

Each recipe was created with a family in mind. While every recipe is either keto or paleo-friendly, you don’t need to fully adapt to this way of eating. In general, eating whole foods and less sugar supports the immune system, helps to improve Type 2 diabetes and improves blood sugars, may help balance sex hormones, and the gut microbiome among other health benefits. Consuming whole, real foods is the way we used to eat decades ago! We are here to share our favorite recipes with you along with costs, nutritional information, and keto/paleo basics.


Hungry for sustainable change but overwhelmed with where to begin?

Our team has created eBooks and a Starter Kit complete with food fundamentals, diet education, practical resource materials, and recipes helping you use food as medicine on a personalized journey to a more whole and thriving you. Find resources below for support and guidance.

Feeling compelled to make diet and lifestyle shifts in order to help meet health goals or prevent disease?

Whether you are unsure where to even begin or looking to pick back up where you left off, our Starter Kit can be your personal roadmap. Start your one-month guided journey to kickstart a low-carb, less sugar lifestyle to meet your individualized health needs and goals. Our digital Starter Kit ebook is complete with food fundamentals and diet education, a goal identification guide, kitchen transformation section, 4-weeks of meal plans that are both family-friendly and keto-friendly, and 50+ recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks complete with photos, cost, and nutritional information. Plus enjoy 10 delicious sugar-free, grain-free desserts.

Is a low-carb, less sugar lifestyle right for you or your loved ones?

Living in this way may be useful for anyone looking to improve their overall health. Are you looking to use food as medicine to prevent future illnesses or treat current issues? Or are you specifically struggling with fatigue, weight gain, hormone imbalances, and/or blood sugar issues? If so, then eating a whole-foods diet that is low in carbs and sugar could be particularly beneficial to improve symptoms. A diet high in carbs and sugars can affect a range of chronic diseases including Type 2 Diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, brain/nervous system, autoimmune disorders, and obesity. Our team has developed this digital Starter Kit to help take out the guesswork from this way of living to help improve symptoms and quality of life. Download this practical guide to kick start your journey — transforming your body, mindset, and eating habits for sustainable change.


What health goals are you looking to improve?

More energy for your life
Starter Kit eBook has ideas to help you improve your energy by improving your nutrition, which improves your cell biology to make more energy.

Improved connection
Learn new ideas about managing stress, improve mood, and self-care tools, along with delicious new recipes to share with family or friends.

Weight management
Weight-loss can be such a challenge! Typically, following a “diet” doesn’t lead to sustainable change. Learn to cook in new ways to sustain your weight loss.

Disease management
Struggle with high blood sugars, high blood pressure, cholesterol or PCOS? The Starter Kit eBook can help! Explore lifestyle strategies, without more medications.

Create positive change with guidance found in our Low-carb Less Sugar Lifestyle Starter Kit

Low-Carb Less-Sugar Starter Kit

Kick start your journey to transform your body, mindset, and eating habits for sustainable change with this whole foods based starter kit complete with 100+ pages of food fundamentals education from Functional Medicine experts, a kitchen transformation guide, 4-weeks of meal plans for a family of four, and 50+ grain-free, keto-friendly recipes — using food as medicine.

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What you’ll find inside your 100+ page Starter Kit

We have developed this eBook Starter Kit to take some of the stress and the guesswork out of living a low-carb lifestyle helping free you from the addictive powers certain food can have on our mind and bodies. And equip you with the tools necessary to make a healthy lifestyle sustainable and enjoyable. This user-friendly eBook supports a range of health goals. Whether you are looking to manage diabetes, lose weight, balance hormones, boost your immune system, or reclaim your energy, this guide could be a great place to start for you.


Easy to understand education
Start by identifying your goals, then learn food fundamentals education through the lense of functional medicine experts

Practical diet & cooking tips
Take home low-carb, less sugar diet basics and tips on how to be successful when planning and preparing meals and desserts

Kitchen transformation guide
Lost on where to even begin? We have charts and resources showing you how to support this lifestyle in three key areas

Delicious low-carb, less sugar recipes
Savor 4-weeks of meals plans, shopping lists, and over 50+ recipes


Choose from 50+ delicious grain-free, low-carb, sugar-free recipes

Each recipe was created to feed at least a family of four. Only one or two people in your household? Great! More freezer-friendly recipes for you. While every recipe is keto-friendly, you don’t need to fully adopt this way of eating. In general, eating lower carbs supports the immune system, helps to improve Type 2 diabetes and improves blood sugars, may help balance sex hormones, and the gut microbiome among other health benefits. Consuming whole, real foods is the way we used to eat decades ago!


Add to your wellness toolbox in the form of how-to’s, checklists, meal prep tips, and meal plans


Create sustainable change with education and inquiry

> Learn how lifestyle choices impact our health
> Tools for mind-body-spirit balance and resilience
> Action steps to improve your immune system
> Support to guide you
> Energy to reach health goals


Take back your health and your time with meal plans and simple to prepare recipes

> Easy, delicious recipes for busy families
> Menu plans to reduce stress of meal prep
> Less stress and less sensation or overwhelm
> Better sleep because of less stress
> Better mood due to better sleep! Everyone wins!

Low-Carb Less-Sugar Starter Kit

Kick start your journey to transform your body, mindset, and eating habits for sustainable change with this whole foods based starter kit complete with 100+ pages of food fundamentals education from Functional Medicine experts, a kitchen transformation guide, 4-weeks of meal plans for a family of four, and 50+ grain-free, keto-friendly recipes — using food as medicine.

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Savor and share desserts with less carbs and sugar.

Enjoy the physical and mental benefits of cutting the carbs and lowering your sugar intake. Living this way does not have to leave you feeling deprived, isolated, or eating tasteless food especially around the holidays. Treat yourself with these delicious, refined-sugar-free desserts and celebrate the efforts made to honor your body through food choices. Enjoy sharing your new found lifestyle and love of low-carb baking with loved ones. We hope these recipes become favorites for your family and friends to enjoy in the month and years to come.

Low-Carb Less Sugar Dessert eBook

Savor over 20 delicious keto desserts for everyday and special occasions. Plus learn about the benefits of a low-carb, less sugar lifestyle and tips to get started.

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Shop some our favorite baking ingredients and kitchen tools for making grain-free, refined sugar-free desserts.


Our Rise To Thrive Wellness Team

Our team is here to share knowledge and inspiration for those seeking healing balance in body, mind, soul, and spirit. Our team collectively consists of Dr. Carrie, a certified Functional Medicine practitioner and mother of two; Justin, a pharmacist and father of five; Jodie, an IFM health coach, mother of five and owner of a keto-paleo bakery; and Danielle, a designer and yoga teacher in training. We’re here to share our expertise and provide you with tools, education, and support on your wellness journey. Let’s Rise to Thrive together!